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What it Takes to win the Leadville 100

Mary Denholm cracked the code after racing almost exclusively on roads from 2015-2024.

During that time, she took her road marathon personal record from 3:39 to 2:36 and qualified twice for the Olympic Marathon Trials.

Mary decided to shift to ultrarunning in early 2024, and on August 17th, she won Leadville’s legendary 100 mile race.

In this episode, we talk about how and why Mary transitioned from road to trail, how strength training and injury prevention helped in the lead up to Leadville, tips for taking care of yourself during training, during racing, and after a big effort.

Would you want to run a 100 miler?

About Jon Levitt and For The Long Run

Jonathan is a runner, cyclist, and podcast host from Boston, MA, who now lives in Boulder, CO. For The Long Run is aimed at exploring the why behind what keeps runners running long, strong, and motivated.

Follow Jon on Instagram and Twitter.